Religious Fictions

By pexels
Soren Keirkegard writes that religion is absurd. He was much wiser than those people who try to prove their religion scientific, reasonable and logical etc. He solved the old conflict between faith and reason in favour of faith. Actually, people are free to believe in anything and people believe in absurd things. You need not be logical, coherent, consistent and reasonable etc. You speak and write whatever you please. People can believe in anything. They believe in advertisements, media, propaganda, God and religion etc. They will believe in you, you just speak or write your stuff without any worry.
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
What is the nature of religious texts? This is a very usual question asked by theistic people whenever I argue against God. Really, it is a good question. What is the nature of these stories? They are very similar to Superman, Spiderman, Harry Potter and scientific fictions. Therefore, fiction will be a good term to denote these stories. There should be a different block for religious texts in bookshops with a tag of religious fictions as there are for scientific fictions. Texts on Spiderman, Superman or Harry Potter do not prove anything. Neither religious text can prove anything. There is nothing wrong with reading or writing fictions. Many people have an interest in fictions, nothing is wrong in having an interest in fictions. Anybody can enjoy fictions. The problem begins when a person believes fictions to be true and he tries to prove the existence of fictitious characters. He wants to make a temple, mosque or church for these fictitious characters. The situation becomes worse when these people make their sects and a cult grows around religious fictions. These fictions after these processes become a holy text and then begin crusades. Fictions are mere fictions. They should not be treated as a holy text. Otherwise, you will miss the whole point of fiction.
There are many religious fictions. Every religious fiction/text has its own sect and cult. People accept that religion is absurd, yet they have faith. They call it faith, but I’ll call it superstitious. People are superstitious. Science failed to free the human mind from superstitions and religion is gaining momentum again. It seems that people cannot live without superstitions. They simply replace one from another. It is really hard to write on absurd things like religion. You cannot discuss much. You can say that it is absurd. That’s it.