Death as proof of futility of life and valuelessness of Nature

life, death, value, nature, meaning
By Pixabay
Death is a stage of life where we stop functioning. Our body functions begin with birth and stop with death. If there is any meaning or purpose of life then it must be death. If our lives are moving in any direction then it must be a graveyard. Although, I believe that life is devoid of any meaning or purpose and neither there is any direction. Death reminds us of the futility of our lives, yet we insist that there is any meaning, value or purpose of our lives. We grow like mushrooms as a result of few physio-bio-chemical processes and decay like them.
The idea of meaning, purpose or value is a very humane idea and Nature or world is inhumane. These ideas exist in the human mind only. The human mind is adopting in constructing these ideas. We believe that life has an inherent value, but if we critically examine phenomena of death then we do not find any inherent value.
Nature is totally neutral to life and death. If life had any inherent value, there would have been no death. Nature produces lives and then kills them in discriminatory without sparing any species. If life is inherently valuable then whey everybody has to die? This implies life is not valuable.
Many people argue that life is valuable and death is a stage of life like birth, childhood, youth and old age. But, this is not the case. People die at every stage of life. Even many lives terminate in the womb before birth. Diseases and accidents happen at every stage of life. Life may end at any moment. Continuation of our life is merely a change. It may end in an accident. My death may be merely a coincidence. There is nothing to believe in stories of past life or re-incarnation. Our birth, our life as well as our death is merely a coincidence. Things happen by mere chance only.
My life may end at any time, at any stage. Nature is not concerned with my life or death. My life or death is not going to make any change or effect. There are more than seven million people on earth and I am one of them. Human existence is very tiny against whole existence rocks, tress, falls, and stars. He is like sand on the bank of the ocean. Death always reminds us of our tiny and limited existence. Our lives are futile like a water bubble. Life is uncertain while death is the only certainty in life. Everything else in life is contingent. Untimely interruption of our lives by death compels me to think life as futile.
Nature is indifferent between life and death. Nature does not give any value to life against death. It is value-neutral between life and death. There is no value of life in nature. If life does not have any value then there cannot be any value because if there will be any value then will be the most valuable thing or phenomena. Nature’s indifference towards the value of life is enough proof of valuelessness or value-neutrality of nature. This sufficient proofs that value does not exist in nature. All values are mental or social construction. All of them are artificial. There is no natural or inherent value. Nothing is inherently valuable.
Earth is rotating around the sun, the river is flowing, and the wind is blowing without any meaning or purpose. There is no idea of meaning or purpose in nature. Teleos is merely a social and mental construction. It does not exist in nature, but in human mind only. Nature is devoid of any meaning, purpose or value. I have sympathy for those people who insist on the meaning of life and values in nature.