The Harshness of Reality and How to Face It

reality people life
People who are in the search of reality like philosophers and mystic, they simply reject perceived reality as an illusion. They reject it because they find it harsh. It is not going to fulfill their expectations. Therefore, they want to escape from this reality. Their search for reality is nothing but an escape from the harshness of reality. These people assume that there must be something more. Reality cannot be such inhumane. Unfortunately, these people are not able to accept the very basic and simple truth.
There is another category of people who are not in the search of another kind of reality, but they are trying to find color, taste and other qualities. These people are not ready to accept that reality is ‘devoid of qualia’. Reality is devoid of good or evil, right or wrong and any value, meaning or purpose. These people are seeking and searching values in a valueless world. These people have impost all rubbish ideas of their own minds on reality. They are not ready to accept that reality is colorless, tasteless and smell less like pure water. These people too are not ready to accept the harsh reality.
Reality is not as we see on screen or read in any text. Stories on the screen and text move very fast. The whole life of any character is reduced to simply 100-120 minutes, but if the character was real he never lived like as we perceived his life on screen. How will we perceive if this 100-120 minutes movie is going to be completed in 70-80 years? We will be fading up and we are with our lives. If any movie is made in our life it is not going to be longer than 50-60 minutes and we have to complete the whole life in it. One more thing, even it is not possible to make a movie on our lives because there is nothing except repetition or boredom. Nobody will turn out to watch. Nobody is concerned with anybody’s life. Therefore we prefer fiction over real stories. Movies based on real stories are more fictitious than pure fiction. Movies create an illusion that life can be interesting or entertaining. An interesting and entertaining life is a myth. Everybody is fade up with his life whosoever he is.
reality people life
We cannot watch reality with naked eyes that is why we are a society of spectacles. Reality is different from a movie or novel. I see a shop keeper open his shop early in the morning and close it late in the night. A street vendor starts pulling his trolley and stops it in late at night. I cannot watch these people from morning to evening because it is going to make me mad. Just think, you open your TV and you see that there a shop keeper sitting and dealing with his customers, how long can you tolerate this scene? Not more than 30 minutes and if you are forced to see it from morning to evening than you are going to be mad.
In reality, things are too slow a man takes 60-70 years in being born to die, but in a movie, a baby is born, grows young, lives his whole life and then dies just in 100-120 minutes. How long can we tolerate anybody’s life?
There is one more important thing, movies are directed and planned. There is a transcript, a background, a stunt, logically arranged story, and a logical end. But, there is nothing like this in our lives. There is no starting point, no logically ordered story, and no logical end. Our life is arbitrary. It can begin from any point, can go anywhere and end at any point. Theater of absurd has tried to make plays to show us the absurdity of our lives. 
People try to escape from the harshness of reality. Reality is harsh and there is no escape from reality. A fish cannot escape from the water, how much it can swim? Because fish exists in water only. We exist in reality. We cannot escape from our existence.
People try to live in illusion, but a smooth contact of reality can break all illusions in a single stroke and we can never avoid all contacts of reality. At least, we will be having any single experience of reality and this single stroke of harsh reality is going to destroy all our wings of illusion and we are thrown on the harsh ground of reality again.
There is only one way to be easy with the harshness of reality that is to accept it. The harshness of reality is our destiny. Reality does not have any emotion, feeling or sentiments. It is inhumane and we should accept it. The harshness of reality is not creating the only problem. The problem begins with our denial of the harshness of reality. If we accept reality as it is, then there is no problem. We can be easy like other animals. There is no other option left with humanity. “Accept this reality as soon as possible.”