Socialism And Capitalism | A Centuries Long Debate


At the starting of civilization, people live in a community and many communities create a state and a state needs some type of bodies to run the nation according to the people's needs and in the limits of resources.
So early states adopt King to be ruled and keep moving until the people of the state realize the drawbacks of the monarch nation. So after many centuries nations adopted the idea of a democratic nation the right of being free, choosing leader according to their needs it's like a dream for everyone.
But (I hate 'buts' ) the idea of having a democratic nation give birth to the two New Economic ideology.

Here is the twist, Both have a different perspective to handle the economy and people of a nation (But they can be present on the same land and apply the idea of their work.)
But this situation is very rare you can't see a nation of two different ideologies and magically maintaining their position and respecting their field by not interfering.
Let's define and find out why they are nearly impossible for sharing the same land.
First, SOCIALISM -> Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership or citizen ownership of equity.

And here is CAPITALISM -> Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets.

In the simple form of SOCIALISM, all activities including economic, ownership of any financial body are prohibited and encouraging a balance between people's behalf of their income and other facilities provided by the government.
This type of political and economic ideology only good for developing nations (that my thinking) because for developing country the first priority should be the welfare of their people not the taking side of the big industrialists.

Now CAPITALISM, an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. This idea creates competition between market or products by this the product or service comes to their customers cheaper and with visible quality.
This type of political and economic ideology mostly good for a developed nation because the government has not been worried about the welfare of people. But This creates a terrible situation of balance led to high competition and high competition means small businesses are impossible to be a success. And In the job section, people are getting unparalleled salaries according to their work. In this environment, the government is totally taking the side of BIG INDUSTRIALISTS and doing little or nothing to the welfare of the people.

But Both systems are necessary for a certain environment, Pushing Capitalism ideology can give success but ignoring the rights of people may become the self-destruction.
And For Socialism, the path of taking a step forward is very slow and taking restrictions in every ownership and business will definitely stop the growth of the nation.

So what's your opinion???