Showing posts from December, 2019Show All
Death as proof of futility of life and valuelessness of Nature

Death as proof of futility of life and valuelessness of Nature

By Pixabay Death is a stage of life where we stop functioning. Our body functions begin with birth and stop with death. If there is a…

Against Mystic or Religious Experiences

Photo by  TravelingTart  from  Pexels Many people try to prove the existence of God and the relevance of religion through religious a…

Married Man is Not Free | People and Their Freedom

Photo by  Irina Iriser  from  Pexels Freedom is the absence of obligations, liabilities, and responsibilities. These things have an i…

Nothing Entertains | How to Escape Boredom?

Photo by  Ingo Joseph  from  Pexels Whenever I complete an article I get tired and lye on the bed for hours. I feel tired and cannot …

Futility of Desires | Will and Reality

Photo by Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash It is one thing we cannot execute all of our wills. The constant conflict between my will and …

Against Miracles | Laws of Nature

Miracles presuppose that there are laws of nature. Laws of nature exist it is merely a faith. I do not think that there are laws in nat…

Praise of Laziness | Finding the Meaning of Life

Praise of Laziness | Finding the Meaning of Life

Laziness has always been taken as a negative quality. It is condemned by everybody and everywhere. People who are rolling stones from b…