Married Man is Not Free | People and Their Freedom

people, free, married, freedom
Photo by Irina Iriser from Pexels
Freedom is the absence of obligations, liabilities, and responsibilities. These things have an inverse relation with freedom. If you are obliged to do anything then you are not free. The idea of freedom is anti-thesis to duty.
Society wants to make me a responsible citizen, but I disagree because responsibility is the enemy of freedom. They want me to get a job, be married, and produce children and hail government or state. But, I oppose to be a responsible citizen and wanna live like a freeman. I am against all bullshits like responsibility, liability, obligations, etc.
Marriage creates an endless series of duties and obligations. People cannot discharge them in seven lives. They struggle whole life to maintain their wives and children. Nothing more is possible for them. These people suffer their whole life and boast about their pain and suffering as they are doing a great sacrifice to humanity.
Man is free to be a slave. Slavery gives protection and being free is to be insecure. (People compromise their freedom with security).
Many people argue that man cannot remain free. Although I disagree, I see people seeking, searching and running after their masters. People had invented good names for their love and marriage. Lovers think that they are better than married people and married people think that they are better than lovers. Both console themselves. None of them is better. Both are worse than each other. Actually, a relationship is not possible and if you try to do impossible then God will save you. Lovers, as well as married people, have their own masters. In the way, people are falling in love and getting married it seems that, really, they cannot remain free. They furiously react against those people who talk about their slavery. They resist against all attempts of emancipation. They make revolutionaries their new masters. Now, I agree that people cannot remain free, they need an establishment. But, there are few exceptions of this rule as there are always exceptions and I write for those very few people who dare to walk alone on unchartered paths. 
These are few people who are not ready to compromise with freedom for anything whatsoever. These people should not get married. Otherwise, they will lose their freedom. These people are rare, but they are who neither fall in love after maturity nor get married.

Marriage is an antithesis to freedom. A married can never be free. If anybody wants to remain free, she/he should not get married. Otherwise, man is free to be a slave.