Against Condemnation Of Suicide | Living Life Without Meaning


life suicide meaning world sensation
Many people condemn those who commit suicide. They label them cowardice and escapist. They think as they are doing a great job or service to humanity by not committing suicide. They think as we are forced to live. We have to live in whatsoever circumstance is.
They think that there is something in life. I am not teaching people to commit suicide, but I am against the condemnation of those people who have kicked the life and committed suicide. Although, I may say in provocation to commit suicide. Here, I’ll put two major arguments in favor of those who have committed suicide. First is their freedom and second is the absurdity of the world.
life suicide meaning world sensation
A man has no choice in coming into this world. He is thrown into this world. He is exposed to certain situations for which he is not responsible. There is no starting point logically and rationally ordered. We are simply thrown. Sartre writes that we are like those actors who are thrown to stage without any preparation or script.
We observe that people are watching us, but we do not know what to do. We all are like those actors who are exposed to auditions without any instruction. We are living in such a chaotic world. Sartre in his other play writes that there is no exist. We are condemned to live in this condition for eternity.
In this play ‘no exist’, actors try to commit suicide, but that was not possible for them because the knife they used was not capable to kill anybody. They accept that they are therefore eternity and laugh loudly.
But, here I would like to say there is an exit and that is death. Birth is entry and death is an exit.  I insist that there is an exit as there is an entry. We are dragged here by birth and will be dragging out by death. Why wait for someone to drag you out? Why not simply exit? I mean why to wait for death? Why not commit suicide?
A child is interested in his surroundings and everything about this world. Actually, he wants to know where he is. What is happening all around? A child is always amazed by everything, but as soon as he gets familiar with the external world he begins to see the absurdity. We few are grown enough to see the absurdity and most of them are working hard in collecting peoples. 
It is good to collect peoples in childhood, but most of us never get mature enough to see the fatality of this world. There is no meaning in this world. It does not satisfy our demand for meaning. Whenever absurdity of the world is exposed he returns to enquire the meaning of life. It is ok. There is no meaning in life, but there must be some meaning in life.
We believe that there is some meaning in the world or life because we are taught continuity everywhere. Otherwise, there was no question of meaning. Whenever he enquires about the meaning of life he finds none. He is taught too much, but there is nothing at all.
Here, the first and most important philosophical question takes place. If the world is absurd and life is meaningless then what to be or what to do? Are we left with the only option to be a bore and commit suicide? Philosophically, there is only one thing to be BORE and there is only one thing to do that is SUICIDE. There is nothing else to be or to do.

life suicide meaning world sensation
What is this thing world around us? It is simply a sensation or vibration. What are our pains or pleasure except for sensations? Our feelings, emotions, and desires are merely social constructions. If I would have been in a different society or time my feelings, emotions or desires would have been different. Desires are not mine.
They belong to society. They are social constructions only. There is nothing inherently valuable in them. Our rationality and reasoning is a social construction. There is nothing natural or inherent in them. People in different societies and times have different rationality and reasoning. Nothing is universal in reason or rationale. They are merely social constructions.
Our lifeworld is made of natural sensations and social constructions. Social constructions are primary because it interrelates our sensations and gives them meaning or purpose. We experience our natural sensations through the spectacles of society.
We cannot have a direct experience of our natural sensations without spectacles. We may feel that we do not have any spectacle, but it is true that we are constructed beings, not natural beings. We are not going to miss anything if we do not have any particular kind of sensations. In fact, we cannot have all kinds of sensations. There is nothing valuable in sensations of whatsoever kind. They are merely sensations.
A man dreams that he is having vibrations or sensations and emotions (love, joy, etc). He tells others about his sweet dream. He thinks that he has got something and others think that they have missed something. He feels fortunate and others think that they have misfortune.
There is nothing wrong with having a sweet dream. Sensations, vibrations, emotions, happiness, and sadness everything is the same in a dream as we have when we are awake and sometimes these feel much intense in the dream because, in reality, our senses have physical limits which are not there in the dream.
People make a complain when somebody wakes them up and their dream is interrupted as they were getting something really important. People who are having a dream are not getting anything nor people who do not have dreams missing anything. It is another thing that dreamers are missing sound sleep.
Our lives are not different from dreams. Life is devoid of any meaning or purpose like a dream. In the morning you have nothing except a memory of a few sensations. It is something like watching a TV or reading a novel. You have perceptions, sensations, and emotions. You may be happy or sad. But, there is no meaning or purpose. Our life is not different like a TV or novel to which we watching or reading 24x7. 
Our life is not less boring like a TV set. We can switch our television. We can stop reading a novel and we can commit suicide. People who find meaning in TV, novel or dream can find meaning in life. People who do not find meaning in TV sets, novel books or dreams can never find meaning in life. Life is devoid of any meaning or purpose.
The question of suicide is the most fundamental question of human existence. (Everybody before starts to thinks he should go one step back and think whether I should continue life or commit suicide?)
He should think further about life only when he chooses to live and if he does not want to continue living he should not think anything, but simply commit suicide because there is nothing worth thinking if he does not find this world worth living.
Our negation of life is a permanent answer to this question ‘whether this world is worth living for?’ But the affirmative reply is a temporary reply. This question exists throughout life and a person can change his opinion anytime. Once you choose not to commit suicide that does not mean in the future you cannot make a choice to commit suicide.
A man is not forced to watch TV, read novels or to life. Human freedom is absolute and unguided. Everybody has a choice to switch off his TV, stop reading novel or commit suicide. The world is absurd, life is meaningless and man is free. There is nothing to be condemned in suicide.

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