Career In Cyber Security and Cyber Laws | A big Opportunity for Indian Youth


Information Technology (IT) industry not only plays a significant role in the development of the Indian economy but also in creating new dimensions for other sectors as well. By developing software and applications, technocrats are taking to new heights of speed and accuracy.

Our generations heavily depend on the click of mouse and touchpad to sustain their lives in the hardware present digital scenario. Business processes might not be thought of without having heavy technical infrastructure in the cut-throat competitive market.
Executive Information Systems and Decision Support Systems have wholly altered the decision making theories of earlier management with recently developed Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence tools.

Nevertheless, the security of such Information Systems (IS) is crucial and it must be considered on top priority by any organizational management to secure its data and transactions from the criminal networks hosted from any part of the globe.

Every technique, tool, method, or algorithm has certain loopholes in which unscrupulous elements might catch and intrude into the networks and misuse the information to accomplish their own drives. Symantec, a leading cybersecurity firm reported that digital security threats may come from new and unexpected sources.
With every passing moment, the number of threats as well as threat landscape gets diversified resulting in new challenges to cybersecurity people. The attackers work harder to discover new avenues of attack and cover their tracks while doing so.


The heavy reliability over the internet, intranet, and extranet have put a challenge before Government and Business Enterprises to make these channels of information secure and safe to gain the trust and confidence of their citizens or customers by designing and implementing sophisticated security barriers which might be discovered through recruiting skilled professionals at each end.

According to the NASSCOM report, highly there will be demand for one cyber million security professionals in India by 2020. The various courses running in India with the help of different public and private Institutes/ Universities/ Colleges are designed for IT Security Professionals (Network & Systems Administrators), Police & Armed Forces Professionals, Law Enforcement Professionals (Law Students and on job Lawyers), Accountants, Chartered Company Secretaries, IT Auditors, Web Designers and Developers, E-Commerce Portal Developers, IT Users, Cyber Cops, Cyber Investigators, and Cyber Detectives.
Innovations are happening at a rapid pace in technology and there is an amounting requirement of skilled professionals to deal with CyberCrime matters. Security Specialist Security Specialists protect information from theft, illegal duplication, and unauthorized access. They deal with the protection of information on computer networks, information systems, mobile devices, payment gateways, and loT devices.

They analyze the occurrence of such threats and develop strategies to defend such attacks. They fight against cybercriminals, people who use the internet and various hacking methods to steal sensitive and private information from electronic devices.

There is a huge list of career opportunities available in the Cyber Security industry, Just waiting to be unrolled:-

  1. Security Engineer
  2. Security Administrator
  3. Vulnerability Accessor
  4. Cryptographer
  5. Security Architect
  6. Computer Forensic Scientist
  7. Ethical Hacker
  8. Source Code Auditor